A very common question on many HDB/EC owner's mind upon meeting the MOP is What's Next?
Continue staying? Sell and buy a resale condo? Rent out and purchase a resale condo?
So which is the best option? 🤔
To me, this is not a ten years series question which has a model answer. I feel most importantly, client's needs must be met.
Recently a friend of mine got in touch with me after reading my previous postings. Her EC just attained MOP and they are thinking of upgrading to a resale condo with bigger space for the growing family. 🤔
We had rounds of discussion, drawing out numerous charts and figures, comparing past performance in various estates, visiting sales galleries.
Just last night, they gave me the green light to proceed with a new launch unit for investment. And, they even trust me so much to give me a blank cheque to hold the unit of their choice. ✌🏾
It is not possible to time the market, and there is no 'right time' to enter the market. When all things fall in place, this is your time. And today, it's their moment. 😬
Congrats for being a proud owner of this beautiful new launch. 🤓
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